Do you color your own hair?
Have you ever faced that nagging question about should I or should I not color my own hair?
Well, I’ve been doing some thinking about this and I wanted to share my thoughts with you.
In the industry there are many new styles that are popping up on the run-ways, and fashion magazines, but I’ve found that there are not a lot of good resources on the web (or blogs 🙂 ) that provide you with details.
Some of the new styles that you may want to research are:
- Shuffleboard
- WildWoods
- The Clock
- Icicles
- Platinum Card
- Zig Zag
- Braids (not the old fahsinon kind 😉
- Zipper
- Cupcake
- Quadrants
- Tri
- Mandarin Dream
- Lemon Drop
- Cosmopolitan
- Mai Tai
Hey I beat you would have liked if the styles above had links, well I’m working on that…
Please check back on the Eliegante regularly as we are adding details to these styles on the main web site.
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