You know what I find funny about hair styles coming back into fashion? They never left! Some of the so-called “hot new trends” for 2017 are considered comebacks of old styles. But they didn’t somehow disappear.
Let me explain.
Parting the hair down the middle, for example, is in-style for men this year. This was considered big in the 90s, with the grunge look finding its way into music and movies along with longer, parted hair. For women, 80s curls are back in, as are high pony-tails, the wet-look and extreme layers. Every year, aren’t we always reading that a least a couple different styles are “back in?”
The truth is, we shouldn’t be surprised at hair style comebacks because they aren’t really coming back. They may have had a bit more attention at certain times, but the basics of hair — long hair, short hair, curls and straight — have never changed. The only things that change are the ways we play with these basics. There were women with curly hair in the 80s just like there are now. There were men with long hair in the 90s, just like there are now.
The whole thing about style isn’t about when something is “in” or not, it’s about what works for you.
The truth is, we shouldn’t be surprised at hair style comebacks because they aren’t really coming back. They may have had a bit more attention at certain times, but the basics of hair…have never changed.
Getting your part line cut for men is still in from last year, but I haven’t cut it into my hair. Am I not in fashion? Of course I am (LOL)!! It just doesn’t work for me. But for the man who visited my salon this morning, it worked for him.
At Eliegante, we stay on top of fashion trends and styles not so we can tell you what you should look like but to be able to share options to help you find a style that works for you. You don’t have to fit fashion; fashion has to fit you. And with the products we have today for hair care, as a customer you have the freedom to really find your style and make it work for you every day.
I like what actress Anne Hathaway said about the fashion industry. She said, “There’s nothing wrong with the fashion industry. What’s wrong is changing yourself for something you don’t really care about just to get somewhere faster”. People are trying things more and more these days, because today’s customer has more options and power than ever before to be an individual. This might make bloggers and fashion writers say there’s a comeback for this or that. Maybe, if the fashion world is there to make everyone fit into a mould, we could call it a comeback.
But, if fashion is what you make of it, then good style never left.